Choose 20 books that have stayed with you or influenced you. One book per day for 20 days, in no particular order. No explanations, no reviews, just covers. (1/20)
Not really a book but reading it from cover to cover certainly has a big impact on my life. In the top drawer of my desk, often refer to it.
I thought it was like the Bible, where people only hear what's inside from others. Others who also haven't ever read it.
John Grisham
My latest artwork!
These two are special to me.
I once wrote David Simon to congratulate him for the great nonfiction book Homicide. Didn't ask for anything.
Surprised to received these in the mail, signed.
(blanked out my legal last name, Weedon is family name, yep)
I was so surprised all I could think of was to write a brief thank you note.
The letter didn't come back so I guess he got it.
His body of work is incredible.
From grandmother Weedon's belongings
Don't know the path of history before this, but it's in an interesting direction