Congrats to Mizzou. They shoot 60.3% from the field for the game.
Bama shoots 53.8% from field, 41.9% from three, wins the rebound game and still loses by 12.
Mizzou shoots 26 more free throws and outscores Bama from the line by 16.
Bama shoots 53.8% from field, 41.9% from three, wins the rebound game and still loses by 12.
Mizzou shoots 26 more free throws and outscores Bama from the line by 16.
Maybe looking to the Brian Adams and the NBA for defensive help is not the right approach for the college game.
Every game, Bama seems to allow the opponent's best player to have a career night.
The pressure however is now ramped up with Kentucky, State and Florida at home and ut and auburn on the road, it can really impact the mood and feeling around the team heading into March.