Also, it's funny because you know parents who kept their kids away from this music because of this list inadvertently made their kids fans of at least one, if not more, of these bands because of this list.
When I was about 12, my mom heard me in my bedroom, belting out the words to Darling Nikki, and she was like, "what are you listening to?!?!" She was aghast, but to her credit, she didn't forbid me from listening to it again
She did, however, insist on hearing his next album (Around the World In a Day) before she would let me listen to it. As she handed the cassette (this was 1985) to me, she told me that I could not listen to "Temptation." I of course listened to it the first chance I got, lol
Whoever made this list didn’t research it very well. High N Dry? Let It Go is worse. It’s about Oral Sex. Bastard? There are about 5 worse Motley Crue songs on Shout At The Devil.
Black Metal💀
The pearl clutching would be EPIC