Well, since she was so polite about it, it'd be rude to ignore her. How about a nice, homecooked meal with something stiff. ....a stiff DRINK, I mean. I wasn't thinking anything else, I swear. <.<'
Honestly a few drinks cuz damn it I swear whenever we play Salvation's Edge there's always one person that still doesn't know how to do the 4th encounter. XD
...Or a pizza dinner, her choice of topping. x3
(That she can eat while having sex)
"If your raid was that sweaty, I'd find a new raid group."
"You want me to reward you for carrying? I wasn't even in the raid."
"You're that salty, you sure you're not a tryhard?"
"You're siompin' so hard Twitch would ban your ass."
Here's her reward. A free bar of soap.
Very nice piece by the way! Love the rendering