My ultimate top 3 dramione fics:
- DMATMOOBIL by isthisselfcare
- Lionheart by greenTeacup
- Bad Omens by onebedtorulethemall
Honorable mentions:
- A Hard Row to Hoe by blessdtoaster
- Detraquee by Hystaracal
- DMATMOOBIL by isthisselfcare
- Lionheart by greenTeacup
- Bad Omens by onebedtorulethemall
Honorable mentions:
- A Hard Row to Hoe by blessdtoaster
- Detraquee by Hystaracal
Reposted from
Hiccs ✨
What are your top 3 fics? HP specific, any ship! I'll go first
1. Secrets and Masks
2. Bring Him to His Knees
3. Remain Nameless
Honourable mention: Isolation
1. Secrets and Masks
2. Bring Him to His Knees
3. Remain Nameless
Honourable mention: Isolation
- Madam Umbridge Home for Wayward Girls by LovelyVillain
- Jagged by hiccupfound
- Communication Errors by esotyric