House Democrats who heckled Trump just got a “come to Jesus meeting” from leadership. Jeffries wanted a “dignified presence” during Trump’s speech—but some Dems weren’t having it. Walkouts, protests, and ejections show the party isn’t all on the same page.
& yes, I'm the one who typically explains democrat's actions as being restricted by the environment. But he's got to go.
We're not even on the same page.
We're cooked.
I’d of walked out of that meeting as well.
Not the time to be bending the knee boys & girls!
We need to be loud and obnoxious. We need to stop trying to be nice. They will get more respect from voters that way.
Good luck getting money from us.
C'mon NY 8th, You can do soooo much better.
Primary his ass NOW!
Go back to promoting your book
Perhaps a different approach is due.
Come on!?!
Definitely not the same page but the why is critical.
They look silly playing "Marquis Of Queensbury Rules" against brass knuckles, clubs and guns.
It's a New World in politics these days.
We need snarling wolverines up in that joint now.