Take a mental step back & instead of focusing on what he's doing, "look for the helpers" (thank you Fred Rogers), they are out there. Once you realize they are & see them, you won't feel as alone or overwhelmed.
Thank you. Today has been overwhelming, and I am sure many more days will be. I am beginning to realize that they planned to do all of this right away, and while people are shocked, stunned, they will sneak even more in.
This is one of the worst weeks in my memory, besides the week that my dad died. When Dad passed, at least there were things in the world that still made sense. This week NOTHING makes sense! I'm tired of being a hostage of the Trump/GOP insanity. I want off this rollercoaster!
It's exactly how they want you to feel. That is the point of shock & awe. Don't allow them to put you there. Find one thing everyday that brings you joy.
Standing strong, standing together.
Always remember, life is like a roller coaster. Right now it feels like we are at the bottom, but we WILL fight our way back to the top.