The permutations of my customers desires are so numerous we'd need to live in a mansion to have room stock them all 😄 Patchworking flags on the bow tie scale is too bulky/fiddly to be successful sadly 🫤
Hello 👋🐾
Are we talking male BT or Female? As a general rule over 11 years, most boys are a Medium (unless really tiny) and most girls are Small (unless larger than usual). Hope this helps, but you can always exchange. Hx
Thr Small measure 10-14"/25-35cm approx and the Medium 14-18"/36-46cm. So maybe go off their collar sizes if not sure. Like I say, they can always be refunded/exchanged 👍
Are we talking male BT or Female? As a general rule over 11 years, most boys are a Medium (unless really tiny) and most girls are Small (unless larger than usual). Hope this helps, but you can always exchange. Hx