Readers, show me the most beloved and battered book on your shelves.
That one that's been read so many times the only thing holding it together is your love... Or possibly tape.
That one that's been read so many times the only thing holding it together is your love... Or possibly tape.
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I'm very, very careful when handling books. A bit anal really, and if I accidentally damage a book, I will replace it.
(I know it doesn't make sense, but I can't stand it 😅)
My oldest books include “Mrs Frisby”, my most worn is possibly a Piers Anthony, but even my oldest, well-read books look pretty decent even now.
My mother was the spine breaker, so anything I got from her is tattier than my tidy books.
My room wasn’t tidy, but my books were ☺️
I assume huge landscapes take a lot of time and effort, given all of the detail. Big fan 🤗