If it works and you enjoy the results, keep on keeping on. But beer also contains alcohol, which is toxic to the natural yeast that is already present in raw flour. Beer also contains hops, which have anti-microbial properties, inhibiting the growth of bacteria in sourdough starters.
Agreed, 2 cold rises needed, but :
Cause of their fighting for survival, the bacterias create a stronger bond, a stronger gluten, which gives the bread an even crispier result 🥹
Long cold proofing will certainly help with building sturdy gluten, but acids produced by bacteria break down gluten, hence why sourdough breads are squatter than doughs made with just commercial yeast. You should drink your beer instead of feeding your starter with it!
Or add the beer to your final dough. Adding it to your starter seems counterintuitive based on everything I know from years of professional brewing and amateur baking. As I said though, if you enjoy the results, bon appetit.
Going great 🫶🏻
Cause of their fighting for survival, the bacterias create a stronger bond, a stronger gluten, which gives the bread an even crispier result 🥹