He doesn’t care it’s not his money. The Grifter is pocketing billions from Crypto and God knows what in other ways. Soon probably when the Russian Oligarchs who he is so fond of relocate to the U.S. his golden toilet will be overflowing with dollars .
The next dem to get in as pres will fix it and get it in a better spot for the bottom rung single digit iq lot to put another repub in to send it back to hell…
I sympathize with the sentiment, but I don't think that's the final count for Biden. The national debt increased by about $8.4T during Biden's term. This graph is probably from a debt ceiling fight back in 2021.
When I saw this post, I figured the same. was probably made to combat GOP talking points about the debt, even tho the GOP tend to add a greater percentage of our GDP to the debt than the Dems do.
People have different methods of figuring this, but I went to the following website and copied values from inauguration day (or nearest after) and plugged them into a spreadsheet and subtracted. For total debt, I get
Trump: $7.8T
Biden: $8.5T
Biden spent four years pulling us out of the crater of Covid he inherited from the Trump presidency. He left us at the top of the first world. But people do have different methods of figuring this out.
Yep. Some a few trillion of that can be attributed to the stimulus bailouts due to Trump's failure to properly handle the covid crises. But it went up trillions.
As a communist is my ~~duty~~ to hate Trump, but I hate liberal fake news with the same passion. This is manipulated information to fit on a stupid lie you are trying to put out.
Its kinda of amazing that any divergent opinion from liberals is always tagged as trolling.
Do you want me to bring the actual numbers? The real ones, not the blatant fake ones?
Not really. I can see you that switched your dialect now so I guess someone else at your Troll Farm is responding. You can post them if you like, though, and tell them that you met your quota-if they’re paying you by the post.
OH, now I understood what you said about changing dialects. You meant language. Yeah, I post on 3 languages, English, Portuguese (my primary) and Chinese (since I live in China).
Come on, you don't need to create conspiracies. Be better, understand people are not all the same as your bubble.
The debt can't rise under Biden because how are we going to pay it off...then they raise the debt for trump without a care about how it's going to get off.
Nope, I’m not “pettling” anything! Trump and other Oligarchs are using Bitcoin to destabilize the dollar economy, the Stock Market, and to launder money.
Look at the difference between our national debt at the end of Biden’s term and at the beginning of Biden’s term on the Fred link I sent. Biden added trillions to the national debt during his term.
What Trump chooses to do with Bitcoin has nothing to do with Bitcoin’s utility.
For example, The Office of the President of the United States’ power to create executive orders is not an evil due to the fact that Trump is using that power to commit crimes
He wants to use the AMERICAN TAXPAYER’S money through OUR Treasury to buy Bitcoin for some sort of reserve. It’s obviously a Putin-esque scheme to steal from our treasury. That’s why they’re lying about gold going “missing” from Fort Knox. They’re probably planning on stealing it to buy Crypto.
If we were a serious people… we would know we **should** reduce the size of government and find efficiencies where they don’t impact programs for people. We also **should** raise taxes on the top and expand social security taxes beyond $140k.
Or/And figure out a way to do a national sales tax…and I believe you could do it in a way that didn’t impact the poor. That eliminates the black market and ultra wealthy from paying their way out of taxes. You should also do a larger tax on luxury items.
And President Biden didn’t fire anyone, or cut Medicaid, Medicare, Snap, Veterans services, women’s rights, LGBTQ, S.S.,add tariffs, lie, or increase racism and hate!!!!
Pig Vomit donnie sure knows how to steal it, spend it and grift for more of it, he's just never actually understood how to 'make' it...
We have a fckng. felonious pig for a President and the entire world understands this fact.
His entire family/crew are no more than grifter pigs in suits.
Grass root Republican Electorate voted to become Poorer. But thought it would only be Democrats.
Knuckle Dragging hillbilly Numbnuts Cupid Stunts.
I have been using 4 different AI bots to explain the differences between Biden and Trump - after using various simulations, jump off points and all data available all 4 AIs came to the same conclusion.
Just wait in a couple of years. All those unwanted births start getting out of hand and the taxpayer has to fork over for their support. How many times will the police be called after finding a baby in a trash bin. Shits gonna get ugly.
The truth is both Trump and Biden have been irresponsible about debt.
JFC 🤦🏻♀️
Best not to spread misinformation.
Trump: $7.8T
Biden: $8.5T
You don't fight lies with more blatant lies.
Grow up.
Do you want me to bring the actual numbers? The real ones, not the blatant fake ones?
Come on, you don't need to create conspiracies. Be better, understand people are not all the same as your bubble.
But really, if you know about any 'troll farm' where I get paid to give my opinions, I'd love to be paid for it, show me!
What Trump chooses to do with Bitcoin has nothing to do with Bitcoin’s utility.
And at the same time:
Jobs created by President . . .
💠 🧐 💠
can imagine many were Frack Baby Frack jobs
or jobs related to "travel"
which in the USA means kerosene.
We have a fckng. felonious pig for a President and the entire world understands this fact.
His entire family/crew are no more than grifter pigs in suits.
Knuckle Dragging hillbilly Numbnuts Cupid Stunts.
Trump is a cunt.
Or an increase of $9 trillion
Biden approved 4.3 trillion in new debt.