* ( TTTE )
* "i repeat: ALL OF IT. "
* "i repeat: ALL OF IT. "
Reposted from
* Rosa 🎀
* ( TTTE )
* "we at mattel and our associates have decided that, to celebrate thomas the tank engine's 80th anniversary, we are taking ALL of your money"
* "we at mattel and our associates have decided that, to celebrate thomas the tank engine's 80th anniversary, we are taking ALL of your money"
And Duck gets a new Trackmaster model after 10 years. We love to see it
But I'm sure the regular boxes are gonna be awesome too
Also LOOK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
* (yeah i was thinking that too, it does feel a BIT funny to make it a normal box if it's meant to go across the whole range. . . what would they do for non-RWS characters lmao)
Even if the motorized tender engines so far look..... really weird