Took my mum with me today, but she just walked and let me run ahead. The sky was pretty bright when we got outside. The sun rises fast in the summer, doesn’t it? That’s why we take opportunity of the time in the morning before it gets hot ww (it’s pretty cool today)
It was sprinkling a bit when we got out, but it didn’t start pouring (thank goodness)
I got to a smaller park and sat on the swings for a bit contemplating life
My mum scolded me about my social anxiety, saying that “there is not so much people as birds that look at you”
I think I prefer birds ww
I was pushing the empty swings at the part when I heard something go by. At first I thought it was a raccoon, but it was! A CAT!!
I befriended the cat, and managed to get a few photos (=´∇`=)