I forgot to stop the timer but I think we ran for about 20 minutes. My mum also jogged for a bit, and we chatted about trivial things anon our way back, but relaxed conversations like this is something I haven’t had in a long time. I almost forgot how beautiful the sunrise was..
It was sprinkling a bit when we got out, but it didn’t start pouring (thank goodness)
I got to a smaller park and sat on the swings for a bit contemplating life
My mum scolded me about my social anxiety, saying that “there is not so much people as birds that look at you”
I think I prefer birds ww
I was pushing the empty swings at the part when I heard something go by. At first I thought it was a raccoon, but it was! A CAT!!
I befriended the cat, and managed to get a few photos (=´∇`=)