Sweden was on its way to making nukes up to about 1968... and then idiot politicians with their pacifist tra-la-la fantasies forced development to stop.
The entire North Europe security setup would have been different, had Sweden obtained nuclear weapons.
It has nothing to do with “idiot politicians” though, and much to do with pressures from the US. 1968 is also the year of the signature of the NPT, and both the soviets and NATO opposed proliferation, Sweden would have faced harsh sanctions had they continued against American approval at that point.
Also, keep in mind that for an isolated country, a smaller one at that, maintaining a military nuclear program would have been insanely expensive, and it would most likely have been shelved after the fall of the USSR to cut state spending anyway.
Sweden ran its own aircraft and submarine programs, and still does. And didn't shelve those even when Soviet Union metastasized into the Russian Federation.
Nuclear weapons would have complemented the aircraft and submarine programs perfectly.
True, but they could have kept it going clandestinely.
Yes, it was a different world back then with a weak Europe. But still, the decisions to shut the mil project down certainly did not come from the military. It came from the politicians.
With Sweden, Germany and SK, they are the closest from getting nukes (well after Iran, but it's not in this discussion).
Taiwan can't say as much unfortunately (but they are also the least likely to get nuked themselves).
The entire North Europe security setup would have been different, had Sweden obtained nuclear weapons.
Nuclear weapons would have complemented the aircraft and submarine programs perfectly.
Yes, it was a different world back then with a weak Europe. But still, the decisions to shut the mil project down certainly did not come from the military. It came from the politicians.
And it was a bad, bad decision.