I was sick with the flu the day I got my Dreamcast with Sonic Adventure 2. I still stayed up all day playing it, despite feeling like passing out. Good times.
Playing Soulcalibur in my university halls (dorm) all night with my mates and their mates - big group, was a vibe that could never conceivably be experienced again
Plugging in the Ethernet and playing online with people for the first time was very special. Not given enough credit just for the first to connect people.
I wanted a Sega Dreamcast SO MUCH when I was younger. But we had to earn money to buy things like that for ourselves. Never got the funds together in time.
Little known fact about dream cast. It was the first video game system to introduce Drift less controller sticks. In fact it had a patent on the design.
Whaaaaaaat ! It was one of my favorite game console with such iconic games : Shenmue, Soul Calibur, Crazy Taxi, Jet set radio, Sonic Adventure, Ready 2 Rumble, Space Channel 5, Soul Reaver… Want to play again 😭
feel like I'm not just being nostalgic when I say the graphical leap represented by Soulcalibur 1 was so massive that it has never been outdone. no game has ever looked THAT much better than the games that immediately preceded it
It was the last console i truly loved. I am kind of a lapsed gamer these days. There's this feel of Sega brashness on the DC where they tried everything to succeed that resulted in game experiences that just can't be replicated. I still regret I never got to experience Seaman.
So many good games! While everyone played Mario Party I was playing Sonic Shuffle ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Closely followed by playstation 2