I don't think people realize how much training wheels activism most Americans require. Give people small ways to contribute. The more they flex that muscle the more they'll do in the future.
Also ffs there's never perfect activism. The amount of energy spent critiquing this has been such a waste.
Also ffs there's never perfect activism. The amount of energy spent critiquing this has been such a waste.
Celebrities are pushing Blackout Friday, telling people not to shop at places like Target or Amazon. But it's unclear what Blackout Friday actually stands for – and its creator is a "Mindfulness Coach" who wants to abolish income taxes and the federal government.
My non-generous take is that it's like parents taking away their kids' comic books. They're not going to end up reading Moby-Dick. They're going to not read.
Those of us who marched against the Vietnam war and fought for women’s rights and civil rights know that everything we do matters.
and also not give Schwarz any money just yet
Let people have their damn baby steps.
Divestment is hard. This is a baby step. Fucken chill.
I want this regime to see we are legion.
I drop words when I'm cranky
“If you don’t have time to clean your whole house, do you still do the dishes? Or vacuum? Or start a load of laundry? That’s activism. Do one thing, not everything.”