In their zeal to please the rich & corps, Rs forget regular ppl need money to spend.If ppl don’t spend, the econ. slows.If Rs keep shoveling $$ to the already rich-we have less to spend. In the 1950s & 60s $$ was more evenly spread over all incomes, corps had fewer tax loopholes & we all did better
Rs want to end social sec.bec.of how it’s financed.Employees pay 50% & employers pay 50%.If Rs end or reduce social sec.,employers get to keep their 50% or pay less. Most corps/employers with many employees USED to give pensions, but they r now rare.Plus there’s been no minimum wage hike in forever.
My recollection is that congress has “borrowed” (with no intent to repay) from social security more than once in the 46 years I’ve been alive. Which then turns the statement above into a lie. And yes, I know Reagan was a republican.
As a stop-gap measure, Congress passed legislation in 1981 to permit inter-fund borrowing among the three Trust Funds (the Old-Age and Survivors Trust Fund; the Disability Trust Fund; and the Medicare Trust Fund). › history › int...
Look it up, the truth is out there.
As a stop-gap measure, Congress passed legislation in 1981 to permit inter-fund borrowing among the three Trust Funds (the Old-Age and Survivors Trust Fund; the Disability Trust Fund; and the Medicare Trust Fund). › history › int...