The other party wants to TAKE money away from research for this same group. The dichotomy couldn't be more stark. And a sizable part of American voters is just fine with that. Wonder how many voted against their OWN children because the need for RACISM and MISOGYNY was greater?
President Biden has been a great president. From getting us through Covid, to rebuilding/restructuring the economy, to reuniting our allies.
We will miss him very much.
I cried happy tears when he won the election and again watching his inauguration. I hope the rest of his life is filled with joy knowing that he was well loved.
He's turned out to be one of the very best Presidents we've ever had.
It's sad that so many people are so stupid that they say he isn't.
The whole world had price hikes, thanks to Covid. None have recovered nearly as well as we have. That's President Biden.
We will miss him very much.
It's sad that so many people are so stupid that they say he isn't.
The whole world had price hikes, thanks to Covid. None have recovered nearly as well as we have. That's President Biden.