This is NOT NORMAL. No one voted for Elon.
Show up at your state capitol tomorrow to protest:
Show up at your state capitol tomorrow to protest:
We are at the precipice now. Once we cross the Rubicon, there is no return.
The danger is real but the sacrifice is worth saving our nation and its people from a catastrophic dismantling of our very foundation.
Get Musk the fuck out of our gov offices & get him the fuck off Tesla NOW! The car (another) I was going to buy from Tesla? Fuck you. The 10,000 shares I hold -- sold. Fuck off. Get Musk gone or see your company gone.
Don’t buy or lease a Tesla
DOGE is illegal
Arrest Musk and his minions
Coup d’etat by Musk & Trump
DUMP TESLA (stock and vehicles)
#musk #tesla #TSLA #trump #economics #criminal #coup
#OPM #NSF #boycott #minions #hackers #illegal #boycott #starlink
You do whatever you want. We are so scared and fed up. And we have no real power at this point
A Californian