Ladybug: - fly away, fly away to the sky' get food from a small pearl bowl, yes, ladybug fly away on a flower leaf 'in middle of world of men, as if nothing were, ladybug for love #Monkssnap #Ladybug
There's more to that one that is appropriate:
They wrap you up in a bloody sheet
They throw you down one hundred feet
there's even more but you get the idea)
Long ago there was a girl I met and her parents did not allow fluoride toothpaste. Her teeth were rotted at the age of 10. I have to go buy a case of it.
I really wonder what makes you say that? As I am a physician workign with pediatric patients and I am already seeing how my collegues intake of pediatric patinets with vaccine preventable diseases in the ERs.
I am not diggin at you , I am truly interested what you have to say.
Fair enough. I think it's inappropriate for any physician to make fun of, or deman anyone because of their medical condition. In this case, it is clear that Kennedy (the idiot that he is) is made fun of because of his medical condition.
Okay, I never took this as they are taking the Mick with his condition but as the story goes the very hungry caterpillar is eating his brain.
Which explains why he has so many holes in any of the half-baked stories he tells.
So I must have completely missed the point.
The worms crawl out
They crawl in your belly
And out of your mouth
They wrap you up in a bloody sheet
They throw you down one hundred feet
there's even more but you get the idea)
I am not diggin at you , I am truly interested what you have to say.
Which explains why he has so many holes in any of the half-baked stories he tells.
So I must have completely missed the point.