It's well known Trump dislikes kids, so this was probably extra humiliating for him. It continues to suggest Musk really is the one calling the shots. Wonder how he managed to get such ascendancy on Trump...
You do realize that we could possibly be looking at a future hitler of amerikkka right.. he's being groomed for the chair by the acting apartheid prez. hehe there's video around that is a clip of the kid telling trump that he's not actually the president and that needs to go away. look it up
All that and i didn't even leave a Gif. Enjoy the sound. I'll just borrow, it's not stealing because I'm taking the image and leaving a gif; Paraphrasing Daliso Chaponda 🌟🦁🧲
Negotiate: - ever been without peace, give courage and strength to all with the will to act and courage to those who want to continue to #negotiate, because world needs #peace`negotiate with reality #Monkssnap
⬇️How protesters in Turkey used kissing in the subway instead of marching to protest. Mockery and humor are most effective, according to Popvic— who was instrumental in getting rid of Milosevic in 2000— quotes here in the New York Times
This is the way: