Great looking turnout for Ossoff! People are pissed, and the backlash against the First Felon and Muskrat, is growing rapidly. Hopefully this will turn into a Blue Wave in '26.
Hope y'all know what a guillotine is, and how to erect and use one? If not, read a history book while you still can.
All your roaring and screaming and celebrating won't impress racists and oppressors and tyrants much. They'll feast on your butthurt and find new ways to fuck you over.
Keep having town halls all over Georgia. Spread the word about what DUMP and MAGAT GOP want to do to the country, people need to know the plan and how it will hurt them.
How is Ossoff gonna win now? He stole his first and only election. ActBlue is under investigation for wire fraud and their top staff quit. Georgia is going to elect two GOP governors in 2026. Imagine that.
That’s cute but this is the state that keeps electing MTG, so putting a large group of sane people into a photo-op is not going to convince me that state is not entirely overrun with rubes and racists.
We elected Ossoff & Warnock.
GA is evolving. MTG & Buddy Carter refuse to hold a townhall & both have gone into hiding due to constant protesting outside their GA offices.
GA has 13 military bases. Cutting veteran benefits infuriates even Trump supporters.
You must have subscribed to a block list that had his name included. You have to be careful of those block lists. You can go to that list and unsubscribe if you like, otherwise no way to access that account.
Georgia voter here and yes, the state did end up going to Trump. It was by an incredibly thin margin, but it still happened. My state is trying to evolve, but it’s a really slow process. 🙃
Either fight or become irrelevant. Ossoff gets that.
All your roaring and screaming and celebrating won't impress racists and oppressors and tyrants much. They'll feast on your butthurt and find new ways to fuck you over.
Trump - 50,7% - 2,663.117 votes
Harris - 48.5% - 2,548.017 votes
Other - 0.7% - 38,913
Population - 10,711.98
Who knows how many votes were NOT counted
just like with Harris how did t rump win??
I'll never believe he did
Like the state of Washington’s
GA is evolving. MTG & Buddy Carter refuse to hold a townhall & both have gone into hiding due to constant protesting outside their GA offices.
GA has 13 military bases. Cutting veteran benefits infuriates even Trump supporters.,_2025
Georgia The country?
State ?
if so, go team resistance!
Vote Trump ?
Georgia went for trump and even they are concerned.