Speaking as someone who's been cosplaying and going to conventions for over a decade (albeit with a post-covid con hiatus), I find that people don't usually care all that much if a cosplayer for a guy character has boobs and/or feminine looks
Like you might get occasional "oh, are you GIRL [character]?" comments but no one's out there going "CINEMASINS DING THIS GUY DOESN'T HAVE BOOBS" really. I got a lot more comments about being too small and thin for Jojo cosplay than about being obviously a woman
ah yeah lol I’m already cosplaying a character with a very different body type to mine so people probably won’t care about that 😭 mostly worried about being misgendered but people have been hearing my voice all day and been normal about it so it’s probably fine
I find that in cosplay people usually default to the pronouns of the character you're cosplaying, and if not, you can always correct them and they probably won't mind
ideally you shouldn't injure yourself for cosplay reasons, but I get the hesitation! also, I am shocked you'd even suggest he doesn't have tits by default, what with all of the posts you've made about it in what feels like years of following you on socmeds.
Oh yeah i mean *i* think he has them but some do not agree sadly 😭
tbh it was mostly just the mask is hard to put back on if i take it off so i wanted to wait until i was done wearing the costume to remove the binder but that time didn’t come lol. Otherwise I would have just taken it off
tbh it was mostly just the mask is hard to put back on if i take it off so i wanted to wait until i was done wearing the costume to remove the binder but that time didn’t come lol. Otherwise I would have just taken it off