question for fighting game players:
how many of your main's moves could you draw from memory
how many of your main's moves could you draw from memory
Overhaul does a shit ton of damage with his Gamma and Beta, and his Gamma stuns enemies momentarily. He can also heal himself.
Twice is a fucking demon, being able to make clones and shit
This was really fun to do lol, even if drawing her ears and tail was tedious every time
And I didn't feel like doing her supers
-millia turns away during 2h
-forgot to air throw
-I know 6h is a double spin kick and she's above the ground on the second hit, but idk how to draw that in shitty stick figure man
-trying to differentiate a badly drawn j.k and a badly drawn j.d isn't easy
And also wait you main millia too???
that's ok i just drew like this lol
Probably wont but ill try!
do we have to do supers too?? idk if i remember the poses for her three hit sword super 😭