Article 15 of The Universal Declaration of Human Rights
- Everyone has the right to a nationality.
- No one shall be arbitrarily deprived of his nationality nor denied the right to change his nationality.
Thus you cannot make anyone "stateless" no matter how vile and distasteful they are.
Individuals can be sentenced in various ways, up to stripping them of some rights (like running for elections).
There also are ways and ongoing efforts to ban the whole party, but many politicians (who have to start the legal process) are hesitant (their argument being it uh could backfire).
The revelations aren‘t that new actually (it‘s what fascists always try to do), but have created a new momentum and sparked honest protests in many cities.
I love the AfD voting immigrants I work with doing mental gymnastics to defend this.
"If I were at this event would I be called a Nazi?"
uhm. yeah. invite only. you can't be there by accident.
"but just because they say this we don't know that is what they believe and want to do"
You can only surmise that the people involved are fully aware of the optics of a bunch of Germans meeting up to decide who gets to be German and who doesn’t—and that they are happy with it. In fact, they quite like it.
perfectly willing to assume that OP erred in saying “bunch of Germans meetup to decide who is German”when actually “bunch of fringe Neo-Nazi meetup to discuss which Germans are part of a Nazi Germany” because that doesn’t make this “the most important German story of the year” when it’s a Nazi story
The fact that some people’s hard work broke the secrecy doesn’t mean they were proud of it. The Nazis tried to keep their most heinous shit hidden, too.
„Far right“ networks in Europe aren‘t new phenomenon. The extent of their goals got a lot of attention by this report in germany. Many are afraid, larger protests start to form.
Those networks here are supported by the same players as in the US: figures like Bnnon, and the ru. state in particular.
At the same time, any protest (as long as they’re not against ru., or fossile energy), like antivaxers, peaceniks, nazis, middle east conflict parties, are fueled in efforts to turn them against „the government“, across the EU.
The goal of this hybrid war is to end democracies by whatever means.
The mentioned german political nazi „party“ has deep top-level connections to ru. It started out as „mildly right EU sceptics“ in 2014, and over time collected all other nazis. There are efforts to ban it, but too many politicians are afraid (of strengthening it by such a process).
Recently, there were loud protests by farmers in germany, which in many places got undermined by far-right and often pro-ru groups. Comparable to Canadian trucker protest.
The far-right are at the same time divided on Ukraine and Covid topics (weak spots), „migration“ being their common theme.
The broad tactic I see is „divide and conquer“, to sew division within and also between western democracies, by which means and around which topics doesn‘t matter at all, whatever „sticks to the wall“. The enemey has no believes, or values.
On parle même pas du fait que le RN agisse pour la Russie...
Jamais encore est maintenant.
- Everyone has the right to a nationality.
- No one shall be arbitrarily deprived of his nationality nor denied the right to change his nationality.
Thus you cannot make anyone "stateless" no matter how vile and distasteful they are.
But then again I'm also quite at my limit of patience for this evil.
But I though proclaiming fascist views was against the law in Germany, so I would assume they can be procecuted and sentenced to jail time.
There also are ways and ongoing efforts to ban the whole party, but many politicians (who have to start the legal process) are hesitant (their argument being it uh could backfire).
Time to organise and prepare for the upcoming state elections.
"If I were at this event would I be called a Nazi?"
uhm. yeah. invite only. you can't be there by accident.
"but just because they say this we don't know that is what they believe and want to do"
The only exeptions were the Austrian and his fellow violent Neonazi.
is there any connecting you can formulate from these shadows to the shift in the political landscape?
certainly no one left of center has influenced the voter or policy for decades now in any meaningful way
Your sentences are all over the place and you completely misread OP.
journalists fascination gave us Trump (and may yet again)
let’s hope Die Zeit doesn’t give you the AfD
the same reaction is underway in Britain and Italy
important to note when anyone posts about the Gadaffi or Asad and “Russian stooges” against those military regime change
problem solved, nothing to see here, move along
unfortunately this won’t do anyone else any good, so it’s just for you
(Which also exist in extreme-left parties across the EU – the common denominator being „anything against democracy“)
Those networks here are supported by the same players as in the US: figures like Bnnon, and the ru. state in particular.
The goal of this hybrid war is to end democracies by whatever means.
The far-right are at the same time divided on Ukraine and Covid topics (weak spots), „migration“ being their common theme.