Unpopular thought, if I saw right! What if every part after "Lament" in the song is directed to the Sinner directly by their number?
A thread🧵
#LimbusCompany #Limbus_Company
A thread🧵
#LimbusCompany #Limbus_Company
If you wanted me to speak - Yi Sang (didn't try to speak/intervene in time)
If you wanted me to think - Faust (no info about her yet)
If you wanted me to carry on our dreams - Don Quixote (I don't think anyone would disagree about this one)
Why'd you make my voice stutter? - Ryoshu (to her child, maybe?)
Why do truths never matter? - Meursault (very accurate to his book if so)
Why'd you curse me with "You're a natural born genius"? - Hong Lu (Faust doesn't seem to take it as a curse. But Hong Lu...)
If you wanted me to live - Heathcliff (Catherine tried to force him to live on by erasing herself)
If you want me to forgive - Ishmael (well, she didn't forgive Ahab)
If you want us to pretend like we're civilized humans - Rodya (also accurate to her character and Canto)
Why do deaths end my torture? - Sinclair ('cause it feels unnatural to him?)
Why can't anyone feel my hurt? - Outis (afraid of not being accepted after the things she'd done in the past)
Why'd you crown the most violent to be champions? - Gregor (perhaps, about Hermann?)