Do we still require kids to read Fahrenheit 451, The Jungle, and 1984 in school? Because it feels like we stopped doing that and maybe that wasn’t such a good idea.
The Jungle-No
1984- Yes
Do kids like to read anymore? No. Phone addiction has replaced all other forms of idle entertainment for tweens and teens...they don't even watch games still engage kids, but books?...if parents aren't actively encouraging reading..nope.
I read this book in 7th grade. It was one of my favorites that year along with Animal Farm. I understood completely what it was saying. I believed I would never have to see this in my lifetime because people had defeated it. I was wrong but it doesn’t mean I always have to be. I can defeat it.
I just lead a discussion on Fahrenheit 451 - hadn’t read it since high school. It is brilliant and scary as hell. It generated great discussion with the comparisons to our current reality post 11/5/24. Buy banned books and keep them safe everyone.
In other words, we have to let the imbecilic #MAGAMorons get from the Fuck Around stage to the Find Out stage before they will wake up & realize they fucked themselves.
The Jungle-No
1984- Yes
Do kids like to read anymore? No. Phone addiction has replaced all other forms of idle entertainment for tweens and teens...they don't even watch games still engage kids, but books?...if parents aren't actively encouraging reading..nope.