Its gray and cold out there. But i want to make a dig vs no dig video.
Gardeners, can i have your pros and cons please.
I like both but have very clayey soil so i no dig (for reference)
#gardening #gardeningsky #allotmentsky
#allotment #allotmentlife #allotmentuk #growyourown
Gardeners, can i have your pros and cons please.
I like both but have very clayey soil so i no dig (for reference)
#gardening #gardeningsky #allotmentsky
#allotment #allotmentlife #allotmentuk #growyourown
Better soil biology,
Less crop rotation needed,
Better soil structure,
Less work.
Cons: initial outlay of lots of compost.
Dig Pro's: can't think of any.
Cons: destroys soil structure,
Brings seeds to top,
Hard labour digging,
Reduces soil life fertility