I had a producer tell me they're tired of reading all these scripts women are writing about body autonomy, and I want to scream.
Have they not been paying attention to the success stories in horror this year?!
He might be over it, but audiences (and me), aren't.
Have they not been paying attention to the success stories in horror this year?!
He might be over it, but audiences (and me), aren't.
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We've had an AWFUL lot of scripts the other way, we'll be alright.
Supernatural feature on deck after it.
Fantasy feature on deck after that one.
Outlines are done. 😂💪🏻
I realize producers/investors are always risk adverse when it comes to money, but I worry that the incoming political regime has people scared to produce subversive art that speaks to the struggles and pain people feel right now.
I hope I'm wrong.
On one hand, I think major studios will see a swing toward safer projects, but that just means smaller studios/prodcos will have a HUGE opportunity-- the appetite for this stuff is there for those willing to make it!
like, you may write a great vampire movie, but a ton of your potential buyers already have a vampire movie they’re trying to make…
Yeah. No.
Is filled with screaming people.