What's your favourite country for naked hiking?
In Colombia I felt a lot more cautious and self-conscious, as it's not on people's radar as it is in the UK.
Spain is great for the weather and the vast tracts of uninhabited land, but the UK is probably where people are most accepting of it.
I mostly hike alone as at the moment I don’t have anyone local that I can go out with. However, I can’t recall ever being accused of being ‘up to no good’.
I have often hiked alone for the sheer joy of it.
I'm really keen to make it to Fuerteventura soon.
At home I'm blessed to have a lot of places I can hike pretty much on my doorstep.
Guess that's a long winded way of saying the UK
Our people are very tolerant about nude hikers and I'm joining for the Westfälischen Naturistentage during the last years. A wonderful nude experience!
I'd like to do the Naturistenweg on the Lüneburger Heide.
The naturistenweg is a new one on me, what an amazing place that looks