In clinical trials of new treatments, when the treatment is clearly and obviously immediately effective it is sometimes considered unethical to continue to withhold it from the control group. Pretty sure we passed that milestone about a decade ago with basic income experiments.
Reposted from
Scott Santens
Fresh basic income pilot results, this time from Arlington, Virginia where 200 people got $500 a month for 2 years. The findings:
Employment INCREASED by 16%, and their incomes from paid work INCREASED by 37%. The control group saw no such gains.
Employment INCREASED by 16%, and their incomes from paid work INCREASED by 37%. The control group saw no such gains.
It wasn't a basic income pilot, but it functioned partially as one, at scale.
We need to keep an underclass impoverished to ensure the labour market favours capital.
Ask one of very many transparent citizens assemblies to sort it out
There binding if elected as binding
Regular politicians deciding is the most significant problem when even John Mearsheimer is saying "deliberation" with decisions to fine detail. Realism...
It's like they don't understand that the money will be spent and make the economy grow ... So short sighted... So selfish.
Its going to get real messy when governments declare billionares can no longer evade tax because its now a percentage of their payroll that if evaded will bankrupt countries.
The fear is that someone might get something that they don't "deserve" - of course the people who fear that should just walk into the sea and not return.
"We're testing to see if giving other people money every month helps them more than doing nothing helps you."
"Great. Are you going to publish your results in DUH: THE JOURNAL OF SHIT YOU ALREADY KNEW?"
just want to figure out how long we've known this particular truth, that direct assistance helps and performative charity does not
That's also known as Acts of Sanity;
dem-WinWin again dem-WinWin [repeat]
Nevertheless, this appears to be a good idea, but there is serious issue to deal with for large scale implementation.
It's hard to advance a good policy when too many voters don't know the meaning of words.
It's a lot easier to work when I don't have to struggle for food and bills, and can afford to call out sick
And on a mysterious 3rd hand I have less money to budget my meals
The control group can be everyone who chooses to opt themselves out We could use your support!?
Additionally, it would be nice to get some researchers on this too!
OUT system rather than an opt IN system
I expect all republicans and libertarians to stand on their principles and opt out though
This happened in my province in the 70s.
No, don't say "tax the rich" because we all know it won't work .
it wasn't even a large amount for people without children, but it was enough