That’s exactly it. The only time NATO’s common defence clause was ever used, was when the US invoked it after 9/11. I remember, I was there at NATO hq covering the story in those days. And what happened? Everybody came when America called, that’s what happened. Our soldiers died in Afghanistan.
Reposted from
Dave Keating
#NATO's Article 5 was only invoked once, by 🇺🇸 asking for defence after 9/11
As a result, 1,105 European and Canadian soldiers died in the 20-year Afghanistan war - 1/3 of all coalition casualties
I don't recall the Europeans demanding America surrender its mineral wealth in exchange for their help
As a result, 1,105 European and Canadian soldiers died in the 20-year Afghanistan war - 1/3 of all coalition casualties
I don't recall the Europeans demanding America surrender its mineral wealth in exchange for their help