Ranting on the Fallout For Hope that my message was fearmongering demonstrates not only a lack of reading comprehension but also insinuates that the two people I talked about didn’t happen or weren’t real? Or that tons of people are terrified right now? How can you just wave away people’s feelings?
Yeah. That's gaslighting at its best. The reason why I'm closing X is to get away from all that negativity. He lashed out with his nonsense and when people lashed back he played the victim.
Im sorry ken, I ripped him a new one on twitter before deleting because i gave him the benefit of the doubt, i was naive in wanting to see the better side of ppl
Yea thats absolute garbage and im glad that I can take the blinders off from here on out, im sorry to have not noticed it earlier. Heres the rant i left him that he jumped into my dm's about
I really wanted to give Houston the benefit of the doubt since I just returned from a pretty long Fallout hiatus, but seeing his response to your message made me flip a 180. He’s as delusional as they come nowadays.
I'm sorry Ken,
I feel like shit because I tried giving him the benefit of the doubt, I stuck up for him and years later to be blocked overnight, called fear mongering for being concerned over my fellow LGBTQ community ? Wow 😒
Definitely going to be more mindful at picking friends.
I understand why you didn't disengage from interacting with him, you try to see the best in everybody. You're just about the furthest someone can possible get from being evil.
Yeah the 76 group I'm in got a raw deal thanks to that guy around March of last year. Friends lost, the whole nine yards.
I'm not going to parade around saying "we tried to warn y'all", just going to mention that at least people are starting to see that dude's true colors, even if it took a while.
There's one person over there (not part of the creator community but the broader Fallout community) whom several creators - including people I not only respect but like - follow even though he constantly spots toxic rhetoric.
He has me blocked (never interacted) and I can think of two reasons why.
And I'll just say that there are people within or close to the creator community who have engaged in troubling behavior but have done a great job of keeping their mask up publicly.
There's a deference present in the community that's usually a good thing but can have unintended impacts.
Unrelated to this, but a few months ago I read a thread with him and some others talking about atheists, who he basically called stupid for not being believers. He wasn't just disagreeing, he was insulting, and it kinda gave me a red flag feeling.
Ya no he’s been bad for a good few months. As in he started talking shit about me and others after cutting contact with people. Like I don’t think he’s done anything actually responder in a year
Yeah the community can get pretty bad, lotta bad names that come off as well intentioned but hide like something truly evil behind it such as TKS Mantis
It makes me incredibly sad noone listened when we warned everyone about him.
Myself and my brother @phobos95.bsky.social had been warning folks about him for years but it just kept getting ignored and I feel it WILL keep getting ignored. But people like him should not be welcomed in this community
Sometimes those same people just don't have a best.
He’s the unhinged one. Maybe he should take a look in the mirror.
I feel like shit because I tried giving him the benefit of the doubt, I stuck up for him and years later to be blocked overnight, called fear mongering for being concerned over my fellow LGBTQ community ? Wow 😒
Definitely going to be more mindful at picking friends.
I am DISGUSTED by his post regarding FALLOUT FOR HOPE. Just utterly inappropriate and tone deaf.
Hope you are okay. NYAA!
I'm not going to parade around saying "we tried to warn y'all", just going to mention that at least people are starting to see that dude's true colors, even if it took a while.
He has me blocked (never interacted) and I can think of two reasons why.
There's a deference present in the community that's usually a good thing but can have unintended impacts.
Im really sorry that you and those affected had to see that.
Myself and my brother @phobos95.bsky.social had been warning folks about him for years but it just kept getting ignored and I feel it WILL keep getting ignored. But people like him should not be welcomed in this community
You're a wonderful human being and such a kind kind soul that you always try and see the best in people. I'm sorry you found out this way 🫂🫂🫂🫂