...A few of them miiiight have been innocent in reality. The long list of people hating on her was admittedly beginning to grow sparse, so Iono did have to pluck up a few innocents to fill out the numbers. Still, it was all worth it for the show to go on!
You turned your head to the side, noticing a tall screen next to Iono. Messages whizzed past, faster than you could possibly read. You only caught pits and pieces of them.
"Slice and dice-"
"Boil them-"
"I love you Iono-"
"Just swallow them whole-"
The messages just kept coming, whizzing by at dizzying speeds. Unfortunately for you, none of them seemed even the least bit sympathetic to your plight.
"Hmmm, lemme pick one..."
"I-o-no's co-ok-in sh-ow, who's go-nna be ou-r fi-rst tre-at~!" She sang, her finger moving from person to person with each syllable.