"F-Fuck!" You shouted, struggling with all your might against the bindings that held you in place. The past day had been a complete blur. You had just been shopping like any other day when some random girl dressed in a gaudy outfit had come out of nowhere and accosted you.


Your memory went blurry after that, but from the unbelievable sight before you there was only one conclusion to be drawn. The girl looming over you was the one you had run into, and she was responsible for this. You flinched as she spoke with her booming voice.
"It's TIME! TO! COOK! As usual, you guys decide how things go - cmon, gimme some suggestions!"
You turned your head to the side, noticing a tall screen next to Iono. Messages whizzed past, faster than you could possibly read. You only caught pits and pieces of them.
"Roast them up-"
"Slice and dice-"
"Boil them-"
"I love you Iono-"
"Just swallow them whole-"

The messages just kept coming, whizzing by at dizzying speeds. Unfortunately for you, none of them seemed even the least bit sympathetic to your plight.

"Hmmm, lemme pick one..."
You gulped as Iono's massive finger loomed over you, pointing down at the row of victims, yourself included.

"I-o-no's co-ok-in sh-ow, who's go-nna be ou-r fi-rst tre-at~!" She sang, her finger moving from person to person with each syllable.
Her roulette of certain death landed on the person beside you - a young woman who seemed to be bawling her eyes out. You felt terrible for her, but at the same time you had some hope - perhaps with enough luck you would survive this!
The table rumbled as Iono's Pokemon jumped up onto it, shaking everything violently with its heavy landing. A sickening scream sounded beside you as the boiling broth splashed out of the bowl, landing on another one of Iono's victims.