📢 Join us to “Get to Know the Right to a #HealthyEnvironmentForAll at the Council of Europe
Campaign: Updates, Insights, and Engagement” - we will discuss options ahead and ways to strengthen our collective voice.
đź“… January 30
⏰ 1pm CET
đź“ť Register here: https://us02web.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_velZsnSdQgmRGjXBcBBhZA#/registration
Campaign: Updates, Insights, and Engagement” - we will discuss options ahead and ways to strengthen our collective voice.
đź“… January 30
⏰ 1pm CET
đź“ť Register here: https://us02web.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_velZsnSdQgmRGjXBcBBhZA#/registration