So "health entities" will sign leases with Alberta Infrastructure "free of charge". But I'm betting that these won't be one page leases. They'll be full of all sorts of terms and conditions & a net increase in red tape!
Also betting that we won't get to see them.
#ableg #abpoli
Also betting that we won't get to see them.
#ableg #abpoli
"for profit" or other organizations that can become "for profit" add a layer of "profit" and "contract management" and "performance bonuses" that make everything more expensive.
Be Wise #Alberta
Like Albertans can afford to open up another healthcare front...
UCP minister health minister is a sorcerer's apprentice turning all the knobs on her control board: hoping to make something out of nothing.
I do hope that develops policy on the importance of open government as part of its policy platform. It's not sexy but it is so important in ensuring accountability.
#ableg #abpoli