The mustache may be getting a bit out of hand. Not sure whether I should buy a fixie, get a bunch of tattoos, or become even more pretentious about coffee.
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Fixie + mustache + coffee is very 2009, I think it’s due for a comeback
You don’t need a bunch of tattoos, just ostentatious sleeves.
You’re about thiiiiiis close to tying damsels to train tracks.
You also would need circle frame tortoise shell pattern glasses.
please cosplay gyro from dota 2
Maybe a forehead curl to match?
Surely at some point one hits the ceiling for coffee pretension ;-)
This is the highest compliment I can pay a curled mustache -- you rock it better than Conor.
Thanks! There’s a lot of feels in that compliment. ❤️😢
A bone crusher and some striped stockings would go really well with that look.