The reason they show more interest in this case is that it breaks the wealth obese class sales pitch.
“In America you too can become a billionaire and society will praise you as successful. You can exploit the under classes, acquire competitors, pay your way out of crime, etc”
The media, the state and the money obese exploiters push those ideas and blame the poor, erase their stories, and keep misery going. All of them do it CNN, Fox, etc all paying neoliberalism
If they can not identify or find him, I can almost guarantee there will be copycats. That is why they are so desperate right now. If one person can get away with it, others will think they can too. I don't condone murder but the ceo was a mass murderer.
Well, in the true sense of the word, it's murder. We could, I suppose, say it is justified murder. Like shooting someone invading your home with a gun in there hand.
50k? I’m going to keep my mouth shut. He’s done too much good for the world. There’s no reward that will make me cough up this dude. I live a comfortable live that won’t be enhanced by some reward and the world shifting their hate to me.
I am sure it would be easy to crowdfund 100 000 to keep anyone quiet if they were tempted to report his wearabouts... in fact, I bet it would reach multiple times that amount.
Seems like a Starbucks or McDonald's staff member reported him, need to start boycotting that specific branch or going in dressed as the shooter. Damn that's actually not a bad idea.
The fact that they are alocating so many ressources for investigating this, just because the guy was rich, should bring all the pitchforkes in the street.
I’ve been re-reading the IRA’s 1970s edition of the green book. Great recipe for Semtex! You can pack 1/2 pound of the stuff in a baked beans can and make your Celtic ancestors proud
Kinda gratifying to see that 1)the company is so cheap that they aren't going to kick in enough to make the reward more than the median household income, and 2)nobody has dropped a dime on him yet for the paltry sum they are offering.
“In America you too can become a billionaire and society will praise you as successful. You can exploit the under classes, acquire competitors, pay your way out of crime, etc”