One of the reasons Democrats lost, they did not blame republican's for inflation, the pandemic, mismanagement, massive explosion of debt, etc.
Republican's blame everyone else for their messes while democrats take responsibility for the republican messes.
The BILLIONS spent on the illegals took away resources from the govt to spend on american citizen homeless, infrastructure, fire department resources, etc which the mayor admitted she cut the budget for.
Some information, half the people homeless are there because of the 2008 economic collapse and the 2020 economic collapse.
We have been building one million fewer homes a year since 2008.
Construction materials doubled in price per square foot in 2017 and 2018 because of trade wars.
Republicans blocked Biden request and spending to hire thousands of border agents, professing folks for four long years. Those folks waiting at the border because of the pandemic Trump allowed into our country were not going home.
90% of the illegal guns south of our border, come from TX. and AZ.
What else did a talking head tell you.
Biden asked for monies for 1300 new border agents alone in June of 2021, knowing the courts were looking at the E.O. to stop letting folks in due to the pandemic.
The courts told Biden he could no longer use the Trump E.O. for the pandemic, we had the vaccine.
On his first day in office Biden ended the very effective "Remain in Mexico" program, and for YEARS denied there was even an issue at the border despite massive increases in the number of illegals,
And the voters will be like, "Yeah, the Democrats mess up everything. Let's elect the people that have no policies, except for hate." And the media will find people from Nutbush, TN to tell how they were Democrats but Democrats are not doing enough to stop Republicans, so they will vote Republican.
so true. That's our mantra for next 4 years. keep pushing all his stupidity, lies, mistakes, and also push back with the facts around all his false taking credit. It's not "show both sides" either.
No, it will be the other way around, just like in 2020 when Biden took office and the country went to shit. They blamed Trump, not Biden. Now, they will blame Trump again. Democrats can't take responsibility for their own failures.
They blame Trump, not Biden because Trump was in office in 2020 when “the country went to shit”. Biden’s presidency didn’t start until the following January 20th, 2021.
You perpetuate this misinformation with such fervor. Sad.
November 5, 2020, Biden won the presidency; he canceled oil & leases and then undid everything Trump did that was good. From 2017 to 2020, we had a great economy, but oh no, that was Obama's economy. When the pandemic hit, it was Trump's fault. If the economy is strong, it will be due to Biden.
It seems you can’t find the truth. Trump asked the saudis to cut production for two years because of the glute of oil from his mishandling of the pandemic. The US has been the world leader in oil production under Biden.
He didn't shut down the country; it was governors & idiot Fauci who said "two weeks to flatten the curve" which turned into two YEARS. It's easy to blame Trump when he was doing what Fauci and Birx said to do. But at least he didn't mandate a vaccine or be fired. (why not enough firefighters in LA)
Haha, that had nothing to do with the pandemic. We were already energy independent under. We didn't need Saudia's oil. Biden cancleled oil & gas leases week one, which caused gas to soar because he had to go begging for oil when he started draining the oil reserves. We didn't produce oil for us.
💯 is stuck on Biden reversing the sale/lease of oil rights on federal lands. US produced more crude oil ever under Biden w/out giving public land rights to private sector.
Oil producers stop pumping when the price of drops too low; they want (not need) rights to public lands.
Trumps term includes all of 2020. His economy includes is the one he inherited from Obama in 2017 THRU 2020. The presidency isn’t a golf game: he doesn’t get a mulligan on his final year & his mishandling of the pandemic. The 2017-2019 economy plummeted. That’s what was left for Biden to clean up.
I had no problem getting a job from 2017-2021, and when Biden got in, I was laid off twice in two years. Many of my LinkedIn followers have been laid off for over 6 months now. Millions have been laid off. Biden's 2023 numbers had to be reduced 818,000. Biden hasn't cleaned up shit.
Laid off twice in two years? Not knowing your field of experience or location, I thought this might be attributable to economic conditions resulting from a global pandemic but now, I’m sticking with my initial reaction:
Maybe it’s you.
I have heard this so much and it's bullshit. Obama nearly put us into a recession in 2013. You're right, the presidency isn't a golf game, so tell that to Biden who spent 40% of his in Delaware. Blame Obama who golfed 300 rounds during his. So freaking what? Was he supposed to spend 24/7 in D.C.?
Republican's blame everyone else for their messes while democrats take responsibility for the republican messes.
"democrats take responsibility"?
Like they have for the migrant disaster, the CA fires, the massive homeless increase, 50-year inflation high, disaster that is NYC?
We have been building one million fewer homes a year since 2008.
Construction materials doubled in price per square foot in 2017 and 2018 because of trade wars.,migrants%20in%20NYC%20shelters%3A%20feds&text=New%20York%20faced%20a%20whopping,shelters%2C%20according%20to%20the%20feds.
90% of the illegal guns south of our border, come from TX. and AZ.
For 3+ years Biden denied there was even an issue at the border.
How many times did the dems block Trump from finishing the border fence, despite voting for it just a few years earlier?
Biden asked for monies for 1300 new border agents alone in June of 2021, knowing the courts were looking at the E.O. to stop letting folks in due to the pandemic.
The courts told Biden he could no longer use the Trump E.O. for the pandemic, we had the vaccine.
Save your propaganda for the leftwing simpletons.
Come February /March they will blame Biden for trump’s screwups.
I say let it crash and burn. Americans need to learn a serious lesson.
You perpetuate this misinformation with such fervor. Sad. is stuck on Biden reversing the sale/lease of oil rights on federal lands. US produced more crude oil ever under Biden w/out giving public land rights to private sector.
Oil producers stop pumping when the price of drops too low; they want (not need) rights to public lands.
Maybe it’s you.