This is true but there's more. Bullies are cowards at heart, they try to hurt others out of fear of being hurt themselves. For a truly GREAT scene of bullies at their worst comeuppance read Chapter 12, pages 88-94 HB edition of my book, available in every library.
I have watched the exchange several times between Gov. Mills and Trump. His over reaction with threats (bullying) was because she challenged his authority. Narcissists do not like being challenged nor criticized. It's their way or the highway.
Jesus Christ...if you think Trump, who has single handedly managed to erase the entirety of the Biden, Obama & Clinton presidency and even managed to take away rights passed by LBJ is a weakling, what the Hell does that make the pathetic, spineless, useless, cowardly Democrats?
What you are seeing is manipulation by a malignant grandiose narcissist. Narcissists exploit, bully, leverage, lie, deceive, gaslight, and other manipulate people to do what they want them to do. They are skilled manipulators.... but at their core, they are weak and insecure.