We knew the first one has been coming. With the worst slime of American traitors to ever walk the planet. The second was a quicker turn around. And then it came back like a zombie. It was about the last good thing, soooo….
Watching all this from 🇨🇦 & it’s like the 🇺🇸 is being taken/ falling apart b/c of FPOTUS(x34) along with the guy who salutes like a nazi - while half the population is having a long nap as the COUP is in progresses.
I am going to buy a Costco membership today. I do not even live near a Costco but can do online shopping. They have stood up to the Republican Project 2025 goons who are just handing the orange felon executive orders to sign. Target caved. Very few corporations will not. Let's give them our support.
I don't need to have my face that the jackals are eating, if the price of eggs goes down