I can’t imagine believing that I, personally, am at precisely the maximum level of acceptable gender weirdness and anyone further down the scale needs to be bullied into compliance, yet it seems like a lot of my fellow binary trans people feel that way. I don’t get it.
That is not how progress is made & rights are won, though. That is a lie told to us by the bigots who have hurt us.
Tolerance is NOT acceptance
Tolerance = shutting the fuck up about things you neither understand nor support and do not participate in.
Acceptance = Being supportive and understanding of things even if you don't participate.
I will say Tolerance is the first step to Acceptance.
Do I respect someones agency to not have kids, or change their gender, or put their dick in another mans butt, SURE nobody is hurt.
But I don't respect someone's agency to mock, belittle, or take away the rights of those who ain't hurting anyone.
"Who is hurt by allowing this?"
hurt meaning- losing things like stability, health, liberty.
I am however looking at this from the point where the concept of tolerance is often weaponized
In an objective sense you are right, unfortunately we live in an age of mindgames