Russia…. It’s been long known that Russia doesn’t have the tech to drill through frozen permafrost. They need the ground to thaw so they can retrieve oil/gas or whatever is under arctic soil.
2/3 of their land is covered in permafrost. Maybe they recently built the technology…they didn’t always have it. I’m sure it’s expensive…in years past Russia has made positive claims about climate change…positive spin claiming it will help melt the permafrost and give access to fossil fuel
Absolutely. He is his own brand of infernal given that he's a little smarter than the others and is doing this for maximal ideological effect and not a place in the spotlight. Hell's bureaucrat.
This might all fool MAGA, but the world is watching
If putins goal with all this is just to destroy the USA from within, isolate from allies & put the country in such a deep hole it will never progress again- they just need to keep MAGA on board lest the gop all get ousted. Thats their only concern
If putins goal with all this is just to destroy the USA from within, isolate from allies & put the country in such a deep hole it will never progress again- they just need to keep MAGA on board lest the gop all get ousted. Thats their only concern