2 recent stories:
- Amazon promising carbon removal *inside* its data centres
- Meta asking for nuclear power proposals for its data centres
Different techs, but the same dynamic: the techs are in what I am going to call the 'greenwashing habitable zone'.....
- Amazon promising carbon removal *inside* its data centres
- Meta asking for nuclear power proposals for its data centres
Different techs, but the same dynamic: the techs are in what I am going to call the 'greenwashing habitable zone'.....
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- Persistently 'just around the corner' - but never too deployable, lest promises can be tested and companies held accountable
- Expensive enough to justify subsidies
9,192,984,480 Olympic swimming pools worth of air
15 TWh of power consumption, aka 40% increase in Amazon's TOTAL power consumption.
But it is also *infeasible at the required scale* - you can just kinda shrug and say "WELL PEOPLE SAID THE SAME THING ABOUT SOLAR" and assume it'll Exponentially™ grow, because that's what techs do right? Chips! Smartphones! Etc!