I had a VIP artist wristband for GovBall 17 when they were headliners and in the backstage area there were like 3 different signs with pictures of the 4 members of TooL that said “these are the headliners for tonight’s show, they will not be wearing credentials, do not stop.”
absolutely funniest thing about tool lore is fans thinking that they can rearrange the tracks of an album using a mathematical formula and it will somehow cause the album to sound even more trippy (or something?)
also said mathematical formula is something you learn in middle school and you have to do a bunch of mental gymnastics to make it work since the sequence by definition doesn't actually contain the numbers 1 through 13
Just want to say: the guy who compared Keenan Maynard James to Freddie Mercury is an absolute lunatic
3D glasses for your ears that cause extra trippyness when listening to tool. Don’t ask how they work (they do not work).