That guy who famously set himself on fire with a cigar in a chair prompting people to believe in spontaneous combustion for years when he actually burnt because he was wearing grease soaked clothes and smoking a cigar in his chair!
If he's fake, I was lied to in the 90s.
I don't want to look it up.
Of course you can. He wouldn't have died for a decade or more, so he by definition did die young! Young is always a relative term, not a definitive one!
Also, no idea if it's him or not, I'm not looking it up, I'm mentioning a barely relevant case that isn't a good argument anyway!
He doesn’t actually specify that their premature death had to have anything to do with the cigars. Or that the cigar smoker has to be famous. All we’re actually looking for here is one person who liked a cigar and didn’t die of old age?
He died young and of throat cancer.
If he's fake, I was lied to in the 90s.
I don't want to look it up.
Also, no idea if it's him or not, I'm not looking it up, I'm mentioning a barely relevant case that isn't a good argument anyway!
I love that he took the time to really paint a picture and describe what kinds of beans and how many cans there were
Grew up working on a tobacco farm
Dried and wrapped his own tobacco until his late 80s when he couldn't physically farm his own tobacco. Quit smoking cold turkey at 88
Died at 92 peacefully in his bed.