Oh man. How shall I ever recover from that misspelled insult? When you get out of your mom's basement things will look different. Good luck. You will need it.
Like, shit is scary but I have to remind myself people got through way worse with way less. Taiwan had an actual murderous dictatorship that killed foreign critics and the people toppled it with no power base past pamphlets. We have multiple state governments and economies as big as countries.
If you have the urge to respond to this with some variant of “actually I’d rather panic,” I would like for you instead to consider shutting the fuck up
That's what I've been saying
So many of these people were happy to LARP has brave revolutionaries even a few weeks ago
Now they're demanding someone else do the revolution for them because "that's scary"
of the Life of Frederick Douglass,
an American Slave. Understand what we need to fight against.
So many of these people were happy to LARP has brave revolutionaries even a few weeks ago
Now they're demanding someone else do the revolution for them because "that's scary"