i beat dark souls and while id be fine with this, the game literally has difficulty levers built in.
summon solaire every chance you get, following a guide to make sure he's available for gwyn. chuck firebombs and let him tank. that's easy mode right there.
if you're worried about the actual stages being too hard, there's a great "as miyazaki intended" guide that goes out of its way to path the game out such that you are maximally ready for every area on YouTube.
makes sure you have holy damage and a light spell for tomb of the giants, for example.
oh and for the record i don't think i've ever once seen a game give an achievement for beating it on the lowest difficulty, so... while i don't give a shit about 100% completion, i could see poeple having a legit complaint there.
I've had this talk with a friend who's big into Dark Souls, and he maintains that lt having any variation in difficulty downwards would in fact ruin the game because "it being difficult is the point". I think that's stupid, but hey...
the thing about dark souls is that it really is a learning process, high investment for high reward.
there's nothing like beating ornstein and smough solo. i know because i just did it a couple of weeks ago. i can relate to the idea that easy mode cheapens the experience.
and yet i also gotta admit that it sucks more people haven't played this game. so yeah add easy mode that cuts the number of enemies in half, removes mimics and ambush enemies, and a free summon at every boss. then at least more people get to see how well designed the game really is.
They'd shit themselves with rage. And refuse to complete it, and then complain that achievements are impossible to 100% because of their refusal. And to make it funnier, make beating easy mode 20% of the achievements. So they're stuck at 80%.
As a fan, I don't care what modes are in the game. If FromSoftware wants it in the game then its in the game. Probably for a damn good reason. Just like how all the other games are exactly how they are.
summon solaire every chance you get, following a guide to make sure he's available for gwyn. chuck firebombs and let him tank. that's easy mode right there.
makes sure you have holy damage and a light spell for tomb of the giants, for example.
there's nothing like beating ornstein and smough solo. i know because i just did it a couple of weeks ago. i can relate to the idea that easy mode cheapens the experience.